
Kat – Playhouse

On-Air: Weekdays 6am – 9am, Weekends 9am – 12pm

Why Broadcasting? There’s not much more I’m capable of doing. There’s also not much more I would want to do. When I get to come in every morning and just laugh … I guess that’s why

Most Memorable Broadcasting Moment: When my boot called the show. I was going under for colon removal surgery when they gave me the good stuff, he went rogue. On a more cerebral tip, when we have people on the air tell us amazing stores that change the course of our show because they’re so moving. Got one?

Personal Motto: Never use a bathroom in a dream. Just trust me, please.

If I Were a Superhero, My Superpower Would be: To read minds. People have some crazy stuff going on upstairs.

Ride or Die Album: Christina Aguilera’s all Spanish Christmas album. I’m not sure what I’m saying but darn, I sound good!

Song You Can Hear Me Singing in the Shower: Bruno Mars “Gorilla”

JJ – Playhouse

On-Air: Weekdays 6am – 9am, Weekends 9am – 12pm

Why Broadcasting? I flunked out of law school and couldn’t hit a curve ball.

Most Memorable Broadcasting Moment:When the city stopped us from flushing all the toilets in town at the same time because it would blow up the water treatment facility. I still think the river would go down at least a foot.

Personal Motto: Rub some dirt on it.

If I Were a Superhero, My Superpower Would be: X-ray vision of course!

Ride or Die Album:Disintegration – The Cure

Song You Can Hear Me Singing in the Shower:“It was a good day” – Ice Cube


Derek Lee

On-Air: Weekdays 2pm – 6pm

Why Broadcasting? I didn’t want to wear shoes!

Most Memorable Broadcasting Moment: A lady tattooed my face on her leg for Justin Bieber tickets.

Personal Motto: Not applicable.

If I Were a Superhero, My Superpower Would be: To climb stairs without losing my breath.

Ride or Die Album: Dave Chappelle “Killin’ Them Softly”

Song You Can Hear Me Singing in the Shower: I don’t sing … I dance!


Liveline with Mason

On-Air: Weekdays 6pm-11pm

Born and raised in Wisconsin, Mason knew from a young age that his future would involve music, entertainment or technology. He was the definition of “class clown”, often telling jokes, talking too much and finding himself in detention. He was everyone’s friend, loved to meet new people and craved attention. Family, teachers and peers always pushed Mason to be a stand-up comedian, singer or some kind of performer. Radio was the perfect fit.

Liveline is 100% LIVE every weeknight from Mason’s home studio, often with a cheering crowd. All-request, people calling in from everywhere, superstar interviews, countdowns, nightly questions, exclusive mixes and stuff you can’t hear anywhere else! Plus, your chance to WIN with crazy contests like “Who Sings It?”, “Secret Sound” and the “Musical Medley”. The last hour of every show features Liveline Rewind, playing the hottest throwbacks followed by our Big 3 Countdown of the night’s most-requested songs. We can’t do any of this without your participation!


Call or text us with your shout outs, dedications and requests at 85-LIVELINE and follow @LivelineRadio on all the socials. Mason loves talking to his listeners, anytime! Tune in Monday through Friday night for the biggest party on the radio, all about you.

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